Anxiety 😱 for Mental Health Awareness Week 2019

In keeping with Mental Health Awareness Week, here's a poem I wrote many years ago when I was in a less happy place...😱

Anxiety state 

Cruel uncertainty, why do you torture me?
Where is the steadfast, where is the sure?
Where is the calm reassuring security?
Where's inner peace, my sanity sanctuary?
All have escaped me
I’m losing my mind.
I am riding a not-so-merry
and round. 
Racing thoughts career wildly,
Wide-eyed, driven; like blood-thirsty greyhounds round the track;
Meaningless laps, exhausting, exasperating, excruciating.
No sooner executed, than resurrected to groundhog torment once more.

COVID #6: The morning after winter solstice

I wrote this at the end of December 2020. It had been an incredibly difficult year for everyone. The pandemic had taken its toll in so many ...

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